Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What I learned from watching the Ken Ham & Bill Nye (The Science Guy) debate

I have to start off by saying that I LOVE a good discussion.  I love seeing two people passionately present their point of view to one another.  I love having these discussions especially when I am well-versed on the topic, and lets be honest if I’m not well-versed I will still argue with you because (if we’re being honest) I like to win. 

With that being said the past year I have tried to debate different.  For years my goal wasn’t to convince of something it was to be right.  I have been pulled (or jumped) into way to many conversations over the years where I wanted to show you how wrong you were and how right I was.  I would paint a picture to walk you down a road only to ambush you with some information I knew you weren’t aware of.  I had you, I had won.  What I have found is there aren’t very many people that I have ambushed in our debate that still talk to me about BIG issues.  Why?  Because I made them look bad, I made them feel low, and I enjoyed it because I had won.

I am so over the format of the debate last night, where 2 people have their slides don’t listen to each other but only to ask a question that is sure to be ignored and the debate just keeps rolling along.  Please hear me I am not at all trying to be critical of  Ken or Bill, it takes tremendous preparation and courage to get up in front of people and share what you believe and allow it to be challenged. 

I believe there needs to be conversations had and views expressed, I welcome those with opposing views to come into my office or meet me for a coffee and have a conversation but I know longer want to WIN.  I want to be a better listener and help you see my perspective not so that I can get a gold star for reading more books, or being better prepared, or a better speaker.  But to truly help you to see truth that I believe will transform your life forever. 

If you don’t believe in Jesus or the Bible let’s talk, let’s have a conversation.  This time my goal is not to win but to show you love and let you see God in me.  Will I do it perfectly?  No, I’m sure I will stumble and fall especially when I see you walking down the road in the conversation where I can ambush you, but I will repent for my tone and motive and continue the dialogue trying to love you trying to show you truth and not win.  When my goal is to win it makes you my opponent and the Bible teachers me you aren’t my adversary and I am sorry to those in the past that I have made feel like you were.

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