Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I don't have time...

We live in a busy culture.  Now that doesn’t mean that us Americans get more done then other people around the world it just means that we are busy.  It’s amazing what we are able to fill our time up with.  I mean even lazy people are busy. 
“You look tired are you okay?”
 “Man I’ve been so busy.” 
“Busy, busy doing what?”
“ I don’t even know but I am wore out.”

I believe our culture is so busy doing things that aren’t bad, that we miss out on doing things that actually have eternal value.  Look I do this as well; I am so preoccupied with my phone that I miss opportunities to talk to people.  Do you remember what that was like when your standing in line, or in a waiting room, and you struck up a conversation with someone?  You would laugh get to know a little bit about each other, it was fun. 

I was standing in line the other day (looking at my phone) when I looked up.  I know weird, but I looked around me for a second and everyone was looking down, or talking on the phone.  Even in our dead time standing in line we are doing something.

As a pastor I am always trying to get people to see who God really is.  I am convinced the closer you get to God the more you will want to know him.  But here are some of the excuses I hear, I don’t have time to read, I don’t have time to pray, I don’t have time?  Really if your favorite athlete, movie star, politician, artist, called you and wanted to get a coffee you wouldn’t find time for them?  We have time for what we want to have time for.

Which brings me to my main thought do we hear His (God’s) voice?  Are we so busy that we go through our day doing our thing that we miss out on what God wants us to do.  We are surrounded by people who need encouragement, who need someone to listen, who need you/me a stranger to care.  I wonder how many times God is saying Scott go talk to that person but I am so busy I don’t hear Him.  Or (maybe more truthfully) I just act like I don’t hear Him because you know that could turn into a 10min conversation and who has 10 min. 

I am going to try something tomorrow, every time I am out I am going to put my phone away and walk slowly and see who is around me.  I am going to look for opportunities to encourage someone, or listen to someone who wants to share.  Think about joining me on this daylong journey. Who knows you might have a God appointment, (An appointment that is God ordained that could give someone hope) and we all just might find out we have more time then we thought.

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